Monday, 26 January 2015

My Workout Plan - Resistance Training

My current workout plan is built for a leaner and toned body but also slightly skewed towards fat loss.

Nutrition also plays a 70% part in getting lean; and I will be following up with a suggested food plan soon.

Due to a hectic work and social life I do not want to spend hours on end at the gym, however I try and aim to get the most out of it when I do go.

This post focuses on resistance training and weights in particular.

I do a mixture of cardio & weight/resistance training and below is a snapshot of my routine and some benefits.


I enjoy BodyPump classes and aim to go 1 -2 times a week.   Lifting weights and resistance training has bad publicity when it comes to females - it will NOT make you bulky as it would with males due to the difference in hormones.  In fact it will help build a leaner more defined body focusing on each part of the body.

Also you will burn more calories at rest as opposed to cardio exercise. So girls lift those weights and get lean!

The BodyPump moves can also be incorporated onto the gym floor - so don't be intimidated by the weights area on the gym floor which to me always appears to be a 'man zone!'.


Here are a few suggested exercises which can be done on the gym floor for those out of class times!

These can be done using free weights or weighted machines.
  • Barbell squats: 3 sets of 12
  • Dead lift: 3 sets of 12
  • Bench press: 2 sets of 12
  • Shoulder press: 3 sets of 12
  • Bench dips: 3 sets of 10
  • Plank: 3 rounds for one minute

I hope this is not too daunting & the key to focus, is consistency and having an end goal!

Also I find having a great music list and good sportswear also makes exercise more fun!

Remember mind over matter...getting to the gym is half the effort, the rest will follow; so stay disciplined and consistent! You will reap the benefits of feeling fitter, more energised and you will have that healthy glow!

F & F


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