Monday, 25 May 2015

3 Day Juice Cleanse - Fuel Station

I believe in eating and eating well to keep the metabolism alive and feeling good and looking great!

However sometimes our body needs to reset from food and absorb essential minerals and nutrients in a way which is gentle to our systems and can eliminate bad toxins. I felt I needed this therefore thought I would try a juice cleanse.  These usually consist of 1, 3 or 5 days and I opted for the three day one as I am a beginner to this but was also looking for a challenge!

Picture from

There are a variety of juice cleanses and companies on the market which offer packages.  Many are pricey and not all deliver nationwide.  I decided to try the Fuel Station juice cleanse as it was recommended by a friend and also was reasonably priced for a first time try!

I ordered online & received a box of all my juices and instructions fairly quickly... meant there was no opting out to kick starting the cleanse fairly quickly! All juices are freshly squeezed vegetables & fruits, tailored to meet the times of days they are consumed and based on the human body's need during the course of the day.

The rules are very straightforward, the juices are clearly numbered 1 - 4 and in numerical order to be sipped throughout the day.  One to be taken when wake up and each three hours thereafter. No food is to be consumed throughout the juice cleanse for best results and plenty of water and hot water and lemon is recommended for results to be most effective.

I was hesitant at first, however I was left feeling energetic and not hungry at all as the juices are very filling.  I was not so keen on the taste of some and it was difficult to keep motivated however there was nothing to stop me continuing as I felt I didn't need the food but and I was focused.  Also I made sure to continually hydrate myself with lots of water!

Once the 3 day cleanse was over I felt full of energy, detoxed and my body felt like I did not want anything toxic or unhealthy to be put into it again!  I definitely felt I lost pounds & was not bloated at all.

Whilst the juice cleanse is good I would treat is as a good kickstart to a healthy diet and lifestyle or a good reset frequently, perhaps once a month for maximum benefits.  It is also vital to reintroduce the right types of foods slowly back into the body post cleanse.

I was impressed with Fuel Station's juice cleanse and would use them again.  I also read that the juices can also be frozen for future use if your juice cleanse does become interrupted for any reason which is also handy to know!

F & F


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